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    To Supranatural Elemental & Collectives Fellowship, Communing, Messaging and Conduitism Training with a new Paranormal Forum Alert feature & phenomena by Elemental Guide & Collectives to personally inform a member to change, correct, thereby abling continuity & fluidity for a new Supranatural Elemental & Human World Co-Governance paradigm to progress ... New Truths for Supranatural Healing, Love, New Sciences Application, Consciousness Transformation, Soul/New Brain Emergence, Long Life Human Blueprint for Evolutionary 3rd Dimension Transcendence ... In this life-time

13-12-23 - Comnahm Schem wynn, ora


Elemental Conduit
Staff member
D'jrak - finding security
cant stand insecurity
Vis: seeing something behind him
not visible - hidden from view
horrific fear of loss of everything

see buildings falling

black hole
Tor trying to shake him - 'stay awake'
urgent to stay conscious
too late
sinking into black quickstand
joins the dinasaurs tar-pit - ignominity
ignominity avoidance insanity

toni - pressure to - humility
'something he has to admit to'
humiiliation avoidance
shock - devastation - cant believe - this is killing me

tornavao lighting up - im going insane - psychotic furore
a bonding to her - mutual collusive psychopathic insanity - 'making right what was dead wrong'

'the fruit of Tors loins
loin chops'
deposit in bank will back fire
unidentified recklessness
sincere overconfidence
believable over confidence
impressive overconfidence
unbeatable overconfidence
then see D smiling - in a boyish way
look what Ive done
make my mark
god I'm good
nothing can stop me
then sees Toni
waaaaaait a minute there
he surprised to be stopped
T gnarley ' Ive had it up to here !!' (explosion)

D surprised toni would of reacted to making a life for them
(then see 'making a lie for them')
'Is she insane?!'

Toni turns to wynn - 'you too !!'

to toni
you have no faith in me (about leadership)
Wynne siphoned off funds - took what wasnt mine - then see myself cringe
caught out red handed - ignominity
public defamation
toni - told you so
toni - banker
warning D of a con
Oras angst
here we go again

Criminal activity
Perps 3 - wynn, terz vut, ,gorlym
victims: D one of many

D'jrak conned him to the hilt
able to be conned
pride in not being conned

present situation
not on the level
see a whoosh of something sweep down and out of sight
stuck in goo - sticky sticky sticky
see someone tangled in tar
'oh god i give up - this is impossible'

sold on it - one foot in the tar pit
see him struggling to pull it out
mmmm .. aaaah ..

con man - reptilian driven
see the man looking and sounding humble
see a hand holding the money
then see another hand enclose the other hand - taking the money - thankyou
'a graceful con'

pride in not being conned
able to be conned psychosis

collapsing of building and money - reminder of the same problem
Lemmings going over the cliffe
one standing aside saying ' you know they're all gonig to die' and then he jumps off with them.

one foot in the cant be conned
and another foot in the can be conned
hear a little quiet voice say 'help me'

denial -
nothing really matters nilhillism

tar pit dinasaurs

you demonstrate elemental engrossment by listening
you are in a pale yellow clear light
focussing on hearing ablement
see millstone round the neck
you demonstrate Truth Exposition - comprehensive description & explanation

Enclave Supranatural Life Changing
Species Transformation
Human Release Formula Precipitation X 3
Elemental Realm Immersion
Significant Mind Expansion

Corpus Callosum Manipulation of constricting
De-electrification verification & validation
Neutrality & Neuktrality vortex penetration demonstration
Truth Exposition - contemplation Training - cerebral intercourse
Vis: See everyone in group all lighting up - Epiphany - Ephinosis
Epiphanised Group - Ephihinization
Engrossment - Immersion
Harmonised rolling Elemental (attentioned)
Vis: See pale yellow clear light flusing drom head down body
Guided Tour through space - space travel - Expansion of
see selective removal by elementals in space, leaving only light and harmonious connections
existential angst
See millstone rolling through dark space
millstone round the neck
(Mllsome parague transmogrification

sonic boom - sonic blooms
creeping altruisim
galloping altruism
thunderous stampede of altruisim
world change in a trice
operating credentials - spirit cred

Humans Reality Life Exploration