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    To Supranatural Elemental & Collectives Fellowship, Communing, Messaging and Conduitism Training with a new Paranormal Forum Alert feature & phenomena by Elemental Guide & Collectives to personally inform a member to change, correct, thereby abling continuity & fluidity for a new Supranatural Elemental & Human World Co-Governance paradigm to progress ... New Truths for Supranatural Healing, Love, New Sciences Application, Consciousness Transformation, Soul/New Brain Emergence, Long Life Human Blueprint for Evolutionary 3rd Dimension Transcendence ... In this life-time

sea serpents


D’jrak describes the Tor failure of a creation experiment he was in during its manifestation, that exploded damaging Tor

had feeling something not quite right, asked what that "no"feeling meant

see like facade of ego, behind it is another vast clear space, facade is merely an illusion of ego imposed familiarity?

feeling in vastness beyond local ego is a warm, playful, open flowing loving feeling in a luminescent field resonance of love, a whole new complete energy field of expanded love, this is love transcending limitations of gender form, beyond infinite femininity/infinite masculinity as eternal unity creation happening > yes

see waves coming in on infinite ocean and breaking on their tops as white rolling crests, ocean is soft pale milky as green/white expanse, again the feeling of it being loving consciousness in waiting > yes

everywhere is loving awareness not yet in any form?? > yes

“in waiting” >>precreation, potential intention to be? > yes
“ocean” >> love fluidness, emotional flowing, rippling, undulations
“milky” >> opaque, not easy to see into, hidden, all immersive
“green/white” >> balance, depth, calming

now see the waves are coming from various directions and merge into massive waves before heading off across ocean

“merge in massive waves” >> peaking, fullness, amplifying magnitude by coming together, culmination, releasing, moving on

now see deep swirling ocean currents streaming far beneath water’s surface

“deep currents” >> sublime cosmic knowing readying for manifestation, in depth love making, beyond comprehension

water planet
seeded for life
long ago
coming to fruition
as conscious planet
awakened species
evolved species
ready for a joyful Ani exuberant
expansion of loving consciousness
all life affected

this is the fuller background to what Tor did? > yes

please clarify my wrong perception here, what have I misinterpreted?


what question do you want me to ask you???

none, just see what we show you

see perfectly formed undulating sea serpent with a head crest, it turns to smile at me as it passes by on waves of this ocean, see it is joined by other perfectly undulating sea serpents as they begin to right rotate in moving circle in ocean as they do this a deepening vortex whirlpool of water is being formed that goes deep into ocean, I can see the sandy bottom of ocean being exposed

the sea serpents that formed the ring that stirred up the vortex all rise up on their tails as streaming spiral of head back, circular, slowly rotating as the ring forming an elongated tunnel moving skyward, see the ocean is being lifted up, siphoned off, it disappears into infinity

see a golden sphere of translucent light is left behind as sea serpents disappear with ocean into infinity and tunnel they created closes off

now the predominant energy left is the light of glowing scintillating atmosphere, a sublime expansion of Ani radiance goes infinite in radiance, cosmic expansion

see a black serpent descending , sublimely floating down with golden crown on its head, it is smiling in blissed out ecstasy as it floats in space, it begins to rain down a black cloud of tiny alive energy particles

whole scene becomes mosaic pattern of ever changing irridescent oil slick colours
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next day

see many young small sea serpents just floating and drifting in ocean swells, every now and then they gather together then separate again across swells

see coming swiftly across ocean is a gigantic sea serpent that encircles all the young sea serpents and herds them

they go off into the now newly appearing adult sea serpent spiralling vortex tunnel and they are all lifted up inside tunnel into sky, gigantic sea serpent smiles at me and then follows them up and the tunnel disappears into infinity

see Ani hovering vertically oscillating, Ani is frowning, dips into ocean and begins to stir up a massive vortex spiral of water drawing it up into atmosphere, follows the gigantic sea serpent into infinity but leaves a translucent delicate tunnel open still to surface of ocean

now see many people have been watching the scene and becoming curious to follow them up, it is a soft gentle breeze that lifts us up, they are floating and then accelerating, ascending into a sky becoming lighter and more expansive as delicate soft golden luminescence, warm, loving feeling creates body undulations that are both soothing and animating, sense of expanding wonderment in consciousness

can all this be authenticated as what you really want me to see?

keep going

see we are now floating into area surrounded by serpents, they are warmly welcoming us, immersing us in their energy fields, feels like even greater expansion of loving awareness, peace and harmony

sense we are all way outside ego conceptual thinking and perceptions, this is highly rarefied experiencing of infinite expansive loving unity immersion, return home

desire to stay here just be bathed in this immersive love, it is fulfilment of wholeness

noted fear of having to return back to where existed as ego form, now felt to be insanely limiting and restrictive density of numbness, loss of consciousness, fear of being that contracted down into not knowing density of confusion, panic, this is undesired state to be in, see churning swirling energy of refusal to be in it, backing off

forced entry
wrong choice
curiosity to know

see ocean is this unknown
yet intuitively known as loss of consciousness
reflective witnessing compassion
we all lost consciousness

see all these serpents
calmly nodding
their heads in affirmation

for first time have deep soft breathing in of life here in this new dimension of unity loving consciousness

a relief to finally make it back home, it has been a long journey, much learnt, much let go of to be here

ego dissolution
soul activation
Truth lived fully
new adventure begins
after a break

see you Dori smiling sublimely, deep soft breathing as immerse breath in your energy field deep oneness of expanding love

right now I am feeling the presence of my ego mind/body in background, can feel it seeking to return to its foreground presence in awareness that habitually likes to be doing as its comfort version of reality it still clings to as its belief is the truth about existence

what will it take to clear the ego clinging to its version of comfortable habit patterns of truth as its limitations?

everything We show you of higher Truth will seem like this as too hard to accept or believe is real, ego suspicion, fear of being conned and deceived

can it be overcome

not possible just yet


see adult serpents returning to ocean scenario, they form a circle of energy as resonance that vibrates ocean and it begins to manifest its hidden forms, rising out of watery depths, now in light of loving nurturing, see the forms begin to float up tunnel vortex as slowly ocean evaporates and then the planet itself, begins to transform into fluid melting transformation, nothing solid is left t it is all becoming translucent soft golden light, whole sections of 3rd dimension dissolving moving up through vortex tunnel returning to loving unity consciousness

feels as heart joyful to witness this happening

We will arrange it as the right sequencing of needed events
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