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Washing blankets & coats and big fish in dirty water


Elemental Conduit
Staff member
Washing coats and blankets
I go to pull out a lot of washing, but find only a coat.
(there are 2 coats in the dream
and another person (Tanya? a friends daughter)

I go to get a blanket from a shelf, to wash - but a huge snake is wrapped in it
so i leave it
i come back and get it (it is more a quilt than a blanket) and the snake has gone.


Elemental Conduit
Staff member
2 meanings - karma and warning & danger

A lot of huge darkish fish are being put in the water (i think the water is brownish)

I then see a woman with a young boy on a boat - she leaves him on the deck
(and i am hoping i dont watch him fall in)
she appears with a fishing rod
i then see a huge fish (its back comes out of the water) it has a large backbone fin
the water looks dirty and shallow

fish - fishing - undeniable - pushing for - toxicity - amendment - trudeaus folly


fish toxicity - premeditated - right of angary - prolateriate - makeshift

fish toxicity - engineered - make shift -
premeditated articulation impedance - see like an autistic child, then see a lot of adults, loss of speech (but its not like they are trying to speak, and cant, they all just stay silent.
right of angary - spoils of war - contaminated, contaminated water
proletariat - people fighting back - back fires
makeshift - back
see me in a lab - engineering or inventing something - i share my new invention - get 'naieve'
see some men with a lot of money come and talk to me 'wanting the rights to' and see 'exploitation'
See it being given to D'Jarak
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