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    To Supranatural Elemental & Collectives Fellowship, Communing, Messaging and Conduitism Training with a new Paranormal Forum Alert feature & phenomena by Elemental Guide & Collectives to personally inform a member to change, correct, thereby abling continuity & fluidity for a new Supranatural Elemental & Human World Co-Governance paradigm to progress ... New Truths for Supranatural Healing, Love, New Sciences Application, Consciousness Transformation, Soul/New Brain Emergence, Long Life Human Blueprint for Evolutionary 3rd Dimension Transcendence ... In this life-time

D'jrak dreams


Dream 1
I was at factory / workplace where I was talking with a person I could not recognise. That same person then escorted me into a large boardroom setting where I met the owner of the business. I then began to tell him of my idea to track shipments in transit which was an old idea already in place. The owner then looked away,.and didn't acknowledge my suggestion. I began to feel anxious that he wasn't impressed. I then asked if he was planning on reducing the amount of FTE's fulltime equivalent, he smirked and looked away.

Dream 2
I was outside on the footpath when I heard that the owner of the business was looking to hire my sister Tina and remove female employees with children. Kahlia became irate and I could hear her on the phone to her brother.

Dream 3
I was in a house with Kahlia, her daughter came over, the house was open setting, I was getting up out of bed to make the bed, I was speaking but was loud, I softened my voice believing Kahlias daughter was in the house with her baby but she wasn't.

Dream 4
I was then in a large house that felt like a holiday / beach house. A woman was taking a phone call with her cousin outside, I became withdrawn, with the feeling of not feeling wanted by the woman. I walked outside to where she was on the phone, I wanted to make her see I was not happy, I grabbed my chewing gum out of my mouth and threw it, I then took my shoes and socks off and began to walk inside, when I slid the door open and walked in I began to cry and said I don't know how long I can keep doing this.


Dream 5
I was working with an old colleague, he had enough of what we were doing and said he was going to work on a fishing trawler to earn 3 tines the amount


Dream 6
I was with a person who I could not identify. We were both walking a path that had to be walked 5 times. She was a fast walker and I was surprised that I was keeping up. We had to stop after each round to receive a briefing.

Dream 7
I was reading the responses from Ora to my to the first 5 dreams. I could not read the writing, some of it was not legible. The one I could read was about drinking staying away from soft drink. Ora then appeared and said she didn't like me because of something but would not say.

Dream 8
We were looking for another striker. We had a number 10 but not a number 9. I spoke to my coach about it and he listened with silent agreement. He then said we have other ways. I talked with another person about possible partners, Goose was one, someone mentioned Jason Bard, but I said he had Schizophrenia.


Dream 23.12
I was walking with a woman that looked like T, we were both in her ex husbands house or a house that involved her ex husband. I became jealously Dictatorial when she told me she was going for a coffee with friends which included a male who I asked her not to see