• Welcome All

    To Supranatural Elemental & Collectives Fellowship, Communing, Messaging and Conduitism Training with a new Paranormal Forum Alert feature & phenomena by Elemental Guide & Collectives to personally inform a member to change, correct, thereby abling continuity & fluidity for a new Supranatural Elemental & Human World Co-Governance paradigm to progress ... New Truths for Supranatural Healing, Love, New Sciences Application, Consciousness Transformation, Soul/New Brain Emergence, Long Life Human Blueprint for Evolutionary 3rd Dimension Transcendence ... In this life-time

D'jrak + Father (many others affected)


Elemental Conduit
Staff member
(from comnahm schem)

2 karmas
1. swinging single light - flashing on and off - in a dark and dingy hallway
dads face comes into view - looked dark
perceived with regret
'take no prisoners'
conquering loyalty
2. conquest of loyalty
See me standing over my father - him on his knees - his hands tied behind his back
I have a sword to his throat
a lot of people standing around, naked (indigenous root race)
crippling loyalty
I sever the head
all these people, hands to their mouths, shocked, horrified
I return to my throne and watch them all
'a fascination for fealty'
what it means to have it, on ones own terms
Enlils obsession
fealty - loyalty
there is a woman there staring at the head
(Ivy, mum - mans sister)
See the little purple tumor in the head - the skin of which was created back then.
horrific - fatality - dilemma
futility dilemma (to fight back) - futility dilemma insanity
Hundreds of thousands have the purple growth

aftermath - genocide
genocidal imprints
'coming to a block and not able to love/understand/
genocidal mania - insecurity paralysis psychosis


Karmic Perp Psychosis - Insecurity Trauma Paralysis Psychosis

* rejection insecurity paranoia - rejection dysmorphia neurosis
rejection insecurity instruments disparagement, feelings of ill will towards anothers success
relationship rejection paranoia - insecurity >> artifices superficial, unnatural confidence projection.
Disparagement artifices unnatural, artificiality, superficial articulation

  • confidence projection paranoia - projections of confidence unfelt​
artifices dissatisfaction vulnerability -* disses anothers satisfaction, confidence, secure wellbeing, natural beingness.

* disappointment avoidance derangement – pragmatism,
(there is a problem in voicing pragmatism)

  • insecurity trauma psychosis and see your vision of mother on life support and you saying no no not yet)
* controlling anothers fate
* controlling anothers life experience
*crippling anothers wellbeing

insecurity paranoia
* Engages to predominantly lay a stepping stone
*defensive argumentativeness
*disingenuous conning
*contentious obstreperousness
* pretentious timeliness interjection
(vis: see you wanting to interject, and it felt like you are waiting for a specific moment for effect – but in doing this you have no idea what has been said in the interim.
*pretentious ‘observation’ – ‘a confidence trick’.
*pretentious portrayal of ability