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    To Supranatural Elemental & Collectives Fellowship, Communing, Messaging and Conduitism Training with a new Paranormal Forum Alert feature & phenomena by Elemental Guide & Collectives to personally inform a member to change, correct, thereby abling continuity & fluidity for a new Supranatural Elemental & Human World Co-Governance paradigm to progress ... New Truths for Supranatural Healing, Love, New Sciences Application, Consciousness Transformation, Soul/New Brain Emergence, Long Life Human Blueprint for Evolutionary 3rd Dimension Transcendence ... In this life-time

dream of large cavern filled with translucent crystalline forms


dream of walking with EMEC group we come across a large cavern filled with different piles of clear pale blue glowing translucent crystal forms, in shapes of funghi, geometric crystals and one pile with grape like bunches of crystal spheres hanging off stem, a women who created these forms, comes out of her workshop she has been been very busy she is selling these forms

teletokens >> telepathic resonances labels
gifts >> needed
resonances >> new expanding increasing frequency
measurable >> will feel effect
inspiring >> perception changing
giving off high frequency sound >> melodious undulating energy flows of loving melting peace and harmony

just developed left frontal headache, > on wrong track

correction needed? > see pale blue light they are giving off is transformed into warm soft pink/yellow pastel light realise the pale blue was too intense compared to new colour, see the woman creator smiling at change, her energy field expands to embrace us all, Unkor being transformed mellowed out?

see whole cavern is becoming fluid movements warm loving feeling effecting all of us

how many meanings to dream? > 3-4 (could be 4)

other meanings?

2. transcendence of polarisation >> see group of Elementals gathering to focus on opening a new streaming flow of purification

3. karma >> alchemical magic gone wrong, explosion in laboratory, blackened, see dead bodies, debris everywhere, too intent on getting result, over zealous research, manic excitement over loaded a compression vessel

4. ?
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Elemental Conduit
Staff member
giving off high frequency sound >> melodious undulating energy flows of loving melting peace and harmony
just developed left frontal headache, > on wrong track
correction needed

left frontal headache - on wrong track
- left brain activity
Kineseology Chart makeover

see someone sneezing - 'correction needed'

'giving off a high frequency sound" - will give those in their left brains a left frontal headache

see new crystals being grown - supranatural polymath quantum physics space travel energy source
see a black crystal transmute an element to (become) another element
see a black crystal (in a space craft) warp or bend (incoming) space dust, the element releases other elements - including oxygen and nitrous oxide
'nitrous oxide is another fuel source'
see whole cavern is becoming fluid movements warm loving feeling effecting all of us
seeing moving elementals everywhere - causing elements to also move - change/transform
will come back and finish - once i sort out what i am seeing - its like the rock formations change structure


Elemental Conduit
Staff member
guided back to this section
a women who created these forms, comes out of her workshop she has been been very busy she is selling these forms

see the woman selling the forms as healing crystals
she has a devious look on her face - 'shyster'
she makes big spheres for 'crystal balls' - 'with magical properties'
she has somehow created a 'lavender opalescent hue' over ordinary glass - which is quite beautiful (but fake)
her son makes the glass objects.
im asking to see where the karma is
its between her and her son
Mother : Wynne
Son: Assant


guided back to this section
see the woman selling the forms as healing crystals
she has a devious look on her face - 'shyster'
she makes big spheres for 'crystal balls' - 'with magical properties'
she has somehow created a 'lavender opalescent hue' over ordinary glass - which is quite beautiful (but fake)
her son makes the glass objects.
im asking to see where the karma is
its between her and her son
Mother : Wynne
Son: Assant


mother doing deceitful, son knows in collusion to fake, make out these objects are magical, profit motivation through brokering and spelling, self survival ego game, UPC?

get away with
coping with life
hard times
why not deceive
they are all fools
more justifications

overvaluing justification as way to survive by any means

witnessing sadness, reflective that limited ego ignorance biased and misperceived life to be this hard to live in justified resorting to survival tactics of mental cleverness, ego self inflation, activated UPC creative genius manic self glorification

deeper recognition survival by dishonesty is highly over rated by ego disconnected from any heart Truth to guide it

see resolution is to put out sign indicating "these are not magical crystals but if you like their beauty please buy" superficial honesty, see many taken aback passing by i had fooled them, my apologies to all who were beguiled by their beauty into believing they were magical when it was all in their own mind belief their own self delusional need to have magical means to achieve desires, i provided a fake tool for their need to believe, make a profit doing so is opportunism, deep apology to all i deceived

my apologies to Assant for drawing him into my self serving use of his creative talents, parental deception, wrong teaching of child how to cope with life, failed to lead with heart inspiration > yes

still feel sad by this method of coping with life, something not right here?

opening up
letting go
new life
new energy
new beingness

i smile but it is not convincing, need confirmation in action?

persevere with Closh onn Du as way to resolve this ego misperception, left brain thinking habit pattern?

just the beginning of real evolutionary changes in living of life