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Session -- Jewish Massacre ora, wynn,djarak, kasia, toramon


Elemental Conduit
Staff member
Ora said:
loss of trust
see a large group of people praying - many large groups - see women weeping and holding their children close
jewish massacre
tit for tat
see military bases/establishments untouched
see somesort of 'satellite weapon' (feel chills in typing this)
targeting/pinpoint exactness - civilians
'not the first time it has been used'
russia-iranian-turkey conglomerate
Click to expand...
People praying>
Loss of connection this life
Ora's journal
Karmic situation example
Different people
Not Elon, forum members

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Ora said:
elon mu. peace protagonist
satellite expert/owner/ - elements of control
(2 meanings -
karma and todays reality)
see a cross through karma - and then 'need to see more on 'elements of control'
Peace protagonist
elements of Controlling outcomes
Need to see

Include in Karma
Satellite expert
Weapons expert
V: weapon out into space aimed at various populations, cities.
Bias, prejudice mindset
I see Wynn, Gorlym

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Ora said:
see - 2 meanings for 'element of control'
1. controls the airspace
2. controls the satellites functions - and disfunctions - 'if he so chooses'
controls the airspace
satellite functions at his choosing

Ora said:
data accessing
see him poring over computer analytics
see him nodding his head - yup, got it

i saw him searching for 3 satellites -
V: See him looking for satellites to disrupt. Spy, working against regime

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Ora said:
see china - as the third member in the satellite ownership conglomerate - Russia - Iran - China
Weapons manufacturer
V: See a perso rubbing their hands as if they were waiting for the war to start and the money to roll in


Wynn said:
see black plug stuck in drain hole, hand pulls it out and black thick liquid substance flows out
see it is set on fire and fire spreads back to holding tanks and massive explosion happens,
see whole area devastated
sabotage, Hamas infiltration
betrayals, malice, hate inciting
"Massive explosions"
Wynn's targets disintegrated
Targets population / populated areas

Gorlym success
Gorlym caught
V: brought before Wynn and Ora.

Inciting hate, generating fanatical frenzy to wipe off the map. Fueled with betrayal .

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Ora said:
see 3 main people being exposed (those who are the main palestinian resurgence protagonists) and infiltration abeling

1 a high military figure
1 government
1 oil CEO
3 main people exposed

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Ora said:
see the military figure as an advisor - and the main reason israel did not immediately respond to hamas attack
"Main reason"
To manoeuvre population into 1 large target area

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Ora's journal
Karmic situation example
Different people
Not Elon, forum members
Elon M 'weapons designer' (interference in karmic situation)
Neil - tracking involvement /spying
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Elemental Conduit
Staff member
my journal entry

undeniable breach of warfare protocols
gets off scott free
(i have a friend scott )- free scott - neil in trouble (heart murmer, fatty heart - coke addiction not helping) - reps all over him - wesadrak ? has now - same for juan + maeyal (causing mental illness) + gempahl + jelmsu
will come back to

demonization of civilization
tracking time loss - infiltration occuring - needing details

see total chaos
after bombing see people being herded to 'safe places' - more bombing


Elemental Conduit
Staff member
parsimonious thinking - unwillingness to see another perspective
selective hearing syndrome
gnarley = expletive ridden response
not understood - tireade against Hamas
tirade against israelis
wrong perspective
garnering support
not graspoing the true circumstance
hamas supporter not authenticating 'war reports'
hamas lying/deceiving media

not grasping the present situation
losing interest in - no go - not interested in going over - getting into
my fault -
presence needed -
'not going anywhere' - 'just gets larger/or goes somewhere else'
meeting ?? - a joke

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V: see jewish Flag, star of david. the flag changes to a black flag with an encryption on it which says genocide.
World ignorance - ignoring plight of innocense to end
Isreali war crimes
Hamas terrorism
both state sanctioned

V: see America waving goodbye to Israel, standing away at a distance with folded arms, they're on there own.

Hamas Rehabilitation, rebuilding, governance uncorrupted

Israel - defilement against innocense, deliberate miss-information
causal genocide


Elemental Conduit
Staff member
we are in a room - people all sitting around the walls on chairs
a snake comes into the room/into the middle of the group and they all react
i am saying ' listen to snake, he wont harm you, and when he is finished or ready - he wll leave'
I was somesort of advisor to a group - giving the wrong advice
the snake did not leave, he harmed, and is still not finished.

the snake then went up to a man sitting in one of the chairs -
the snake reared up as if to strike at the man
the man pulled up his feet and legs to his chest, and held himself to protect himself
then they both froze in this position
(cultural meme / frozen in time - one always ready to strike at and one always in fear of)
the snake then relaxed and slithered out the door (givng me a wink)
wink implying 5 issues - 1 a UPC of mine
the man then stood up, picked up his chair, and smashed it over the person sitting beside him
fragmentation disintegration


Elemental Conduit
Staff member
comnahm schem
more data for this
(pivotal) karma clearing

(the snake above, was Wynn - a double agent)

dispute aggravation
maintaining warfare
Vis: wynn is saying ' i seem to be enjoying this'
then 'keep them fighting'
'cunning devilment'
see the snake rubbing his knuckles on his chest - polishing himself - congratulating himself on keeping them fighting
and the hiding of - as the cause behind it all.
An 'Israelie warmonger
posing as a political advisor

200,00 years ago - the three countries involved Israel (Arcedia + Turkey (Assyria) + Palestine (Potoc)
5 perpetrators
Wynn - spy - advisor - double agent
Ora - Turkish - spy and advisor
D'jrak - 'Turkish tyrant' - consolidating an empire
Kasia - Israeli diplomat - naieve
Toramon - Palestinian - spy - commander

See a lot of children with sad eyes
No trust - no faith
Palistinian victimization
Israelis turned perpetrator

'contempt for the infidels' - D'jrak
contempt hatred of Jews - 'they are the lowest life on the planet'

See Toramon hands clasped above his head in victory
'we won !!'
then i see the rug pulled out under his feet
perpetrator and victim karmic effect
ganglia autonmic nervous system distortion - 'twisted tongue' - 'talking shit dilemma'

elimination & destruction - Karmic Demential #2
bone destruction dementia
(see gas from bone cells floating up to brain - person light headed - volatile


UPC consolidation
Destroyer demented elimination
Erase and obliterate hyperarousal
Constitutional archaic relief from others misfortune and despair.

Twisted dysthemia
Denial programming
Corrupted arterial flow - Parasympathetic system
Can not remember correct pathway
Dementia paradigm
demented archaic shit talker dilemma

Contemptuous pitiful humiliator
Shaming for joy