• Welcome All

    To Supranatural Elemental & Collectives Fellowship, Communing, Messaging and Conduitism Training with a new Paranormal Forum Alert feature & phenomena by Elemental Guide & Collectives to personally inform a member to change, correct, thereby abling continuity & fluidity for a new Supranatural Elemental & Human World Co-Governance paradigm to progress ... New Truths for Supranatural Healing, Love, New Sciences Application, Consciousness Transformation, Soul/New Brain Emergence, Long Life Human Blueprint for Evolutionary 3rd Dimension Transcendence ... In this life-time

Telepathic insuid reprogramming


Competition ended>
V: See grey clouds dispersing and golden rings appearing. 5 meanings
1. Words
Tor Sek Elvanesce
V: I'm looking down from behind the golden rings. I see a shield of them that are translucent and intermittently light up around the edges as if it were touched. The Vision changes and now I'm inside a bubble with the surface of it taking the form of countless translucent golden rings.

Golden rings>
Weavement> weave> protection
V: See the rings drawing in a flow of golden particles with each particle defining an aspect of Tor Sek Elvanesce.
V: I see the word BRAIN, and myself sitting in a meditated state with legs crossed. The weaves of particles are flowing in specific areas of the brain.

V: word
Functionality ward for fine tuning
Brain> matter
Mitochondria development for expansion. Functionality to develop multiple variations of Mitochondria each with its specific function / characteristics designed to imprint Sek Elvanesce signatures on 5 areas of the brain and 7 organs.

V: word
Continuous evolving development and functionality. Several different types of Mitochondria representing an consciouse aspect from of Tor from Tor.

V: word
Plan for transformation to elemental brain formation. Re-alignment of telepathic configuration for transfiguration enabling communing genius.

V: word
Commune with an assembly of consciousness across varying planes / dimensions simultaneously.

Harmonious Beautification entrenched for all the collaborative stewardship communing community.


Elemental Conduit
Staff member
guided to pick out words and expand further
program - plan - genius - transfiguration

program > training programs within the planning frameworks
education framework - 6 programs
*mobile phone notification & reply program
*communing & messaging program
*advanced communing for service, stewardship, representation
* Fellowship Training program
* Closh Onn Du Training program
*purification and consciousness program

world change programs
* All elemental training forums involvement program
* Stewardship Training program
* world energy conclave program
* re-alignment of world view program
* Sek Elvenesce Healing & Humanitarian Operations program
* Sek Elvenesce Community Welfare Centre program
* Sek Elvenesce Supranatural Commune Building program

genius programs
Telepathic realignment program
Multi communing
kinetic transformation program
Absolute Consciousness transfiguration entrenchment program
Elementalization program
Transmutative soul transcellular alignment excorcisement

transfiguration programs